Friday Favorites, 11/4

It’s been a while since I’ve done a Friday Favorites post so I thought it was about time! Temperatures are starting to lower here in Texas and it has me SO excited for fall and all things cozy! Sharing a few of my favorite fall items here as well as some great deals coming out this week. Enjoy!

Casual Fall Dress

This sweet dress from Tuckernuck is the perfect throw-on dress that you can dress up or down for fall. I can easily see it looking great with sneakers, flats, or heels depending on where you’re headed.

Pumpkin Candle

One of the best parts of fall is always lighting up our fall candles - they’re so cozy and always make the house smell amazing! This one from Target is a favorite. It smells like the best kind of fall baked goods (but not too sweet!) and lasts forever. Also love this one and this one.

Leather Boots

These boots are truly my DREAM fall boots. They’re on sale right now for Madewell Insiders

Fall Playlist

I came across this playlist for fall recently and it’s so relaxing! This would be so nice for a drive or with candles on a rainy day.

Stanley Tumbler Cups

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I’ve seen these Stanley Tumbler Cups everywhere on social media and thought it was all hype. Fast forward and after two weeks it’s one of my favorite things I own. What I love about them is is that they hold so much water and stay cool - even when I leave it in my car during a Texas heat wave! They’re available now in a bunch of different colors on Amazon.

Pantry Labels

Lately we’ve been on a big organization kick. I came across these pantry labels on Etsy and I think they would look amazing with these minimalist jars. What do you think?

Amy C